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What is it?
A personal energy reading from your picture.



What kind of informations can I get?

-Highlights what you are going through at the moment 

-How do you limit yourself 

-What holds you back 

-Your emotional blockages

- What steps can you take to free yourself and move forward

-What need to be released

-What emotional wound is the root of your suffering right now

-Vision of your true self

-Vision of your inner child

-Messages and advices from your spirits guides


What is it for?
- Feeling empowered
-Understanding yourself and what you are going through
-Acknowledging the limited and false beliefs that block you 
-Consciously create your life 
-Freeing yourself
-Moving forward
-Helping you create a shift in your reality
How to ask for a personal guidance?

Simply click on the following link Contact and fill in the Contact form which will be sent by email.

I need one or two recent pictures of you where  I can see your eyes, your name and surname.

When your personal guidance is ready, I send you a secure link where you can proceed to the payment. When the payment is approved, I send you the report by email.


How much does it cost? 


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Energy therapist

Distant and direct sessions


SIRET: 828 115 386 00017

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